NVA LST Loudspeaker Cable (various lengths)
MADE TO ORDER - usually dispatched within 14 days. Bespoke lengths available on request.
Consisting of 7 individually isolated solid copper cores, LST is our entry level choice for bi-amping – preferred for runs from power amp to tweeters. Gauge: 15awg.
When used as a full range cable, it has a leaner bass response than our other cables. As with all our speaker cables, a stereo set consists of 4 individually sheathed runs, ensuring very low capacitance.
Gold plated low mass z-plugs fill the socket securely and gold plating prevents oxidation.
All NVA loudspeaker cables are designed as part of our larger curated range of audio equipment, and are the perfect match for all NVA integrated and power amps.
Price is per channel - this enables you to purchase different lengths for left and right channels, to suit the layout of your system. For a stereo pair, you will need to order 2 channels.
Our cable trade-in scheme gives you the very best value for money when you want to take the next step in the NVA range. No need to delay until you can sell your existing cable, we do all the work, sell your original cable and pay you up front!
- Up to 100% trade in value if you send your cable back within one year of your original purchase date.
- Up to 75% trade in value if you send your cable back within two years of your original purchase date.
- Up to 50% trade in value if you send your cable back more than two years from your original purchase date.
After receiving and installing LS1 speaker cable this morning, which has replaced the LS2, a listening session is ongoing. I usually listen to music at a very low volume. The knob usually sits at half past eight on the P20. There's more detail coming through with this cable. More of the music.
I’ve had these for a short while now, and whilst it would seem obvious that these would trump the basic LS2 speaker cables included in the insanely good value for money P20/A20 combo, they not only trumped them but opened up a whole new window into my music! I’ll be honest by saying i swapped them (at my risk) for my Van Damme black series four and just for a laugh some QED silver anniversary cables and there is no contest, not even worth the admission fee. Quite possibly the most pointless exercise ever. However...I did some back to backs with Dire Straights remastered “Telegraph Road” with the different speaker cables and the LS1 just portrayed what was meant to be on the original recording whilst the others presented a more muffled and strangled sound. It’s fair to say that they have no fancy overpriced plugs fitted, so if that’s what turns you on then maybe look elsewhere. But, what they do so well is to add nothing and take nothing away from what is being played at the time. So, for the price of a half decent meal and a few pints, the LS1 is quite frankly a absolute bargain. I’d love to know what this cable would cost with a “dealer” margin on top :o
In my journey for audio heaven I have bought, borrowed and listened to a dozen or so loudspeaker cables, I think my journey has nearly ended. I say this because the only direction I can go from here is it go up the range within NVA’s cabling. I have just brought the so called entry level LS3, the build is superb, and most importantly the sound is brilliantly transparent through the mid and, with a light delicate top end, and palpably layered bass. I care about beauty, and the LS3 cable delivers that every time!
Recently purchased a set of used Ls3 direct from nva. For the last year or two I have been using Ls1 and been have been very, very happy whatever they were connected too. All I can say is these are more , much more. More space , detail but most important more MUSIC. I guess all you long time users of nva understand that. Trouble is if these are that good, I have started to think what next? If you are thinking about speaker cables then start here, after all what have you got to lose, possibly only the music ?
I’m really impressed by the effect they have. I replaced the non stock silver jumper cables with the ls3 and the sound was open, articulated, detailed it’s just amazing. With these jumpers speakers are able to perform as intended by Samy penttila. Thanks, a very happy customer.
I decided to try the above to replace LS1 and a DNM interconnect. I ordered speaker cable and a single run of SSP for digital duties but Doc sent me a stereo set in error, needless to say I ended up keeping both! Short answer is that for the price, this is one of the biggest upgrades I have tried, which surprised me. All of the NVA musical qualities are retained but there is more space around the individual performers and it is possible to listen in to strands within the music. The soundstage seems to have gained more depth and I can hear much more detail. I don't have golden ears, and I am not going to lapse into reviewer speak about 'inky black silences' or noise floors but the changes are not subtle, even to me.
Being fully aware of the improvements NVA cables make from my experience with the main system, I took advantage of the trade in to upgrade from LS2. The immediate impression was an improvement in the frequency extremes, all the more important as the system is mainly played at low volume where treble and bass can appear lacking. When turned up the depth of bass the Cubettes produce for their size became very apparent. After a few days, probably taking account of run in, there was clearly more music coming through. This took the form of a greater sense of ease and a more dynamic presentation. Although not the dramatic improvement resulting from the upgrade to TSCS from LS6 on the main system, a very worthwhile and cost effective improvement.
Bryston 4BSST and a pair of Tannoy System 12 DMT’s straight from my sound-card , through a passive-attenuator. I chose Direct Wave signal-cables , since the rapport was good , and he knocked me up a pair of pre-production prototypes of his “plus” Derivatives , which are silver-composites. This enabled me to lessen the Tannoy’s treble-energy down to -1.5dB. This removed the x-over hump of the Tannoys , and left me with a very flat-response , which is exactly what I wanted. The transparency is superb , the image massive , and the depth is staggering.
But all that effort would be for nothing , had I not got the NVA LS5’s. The Bryston loves them , and the bass-slam and overall clarity is very evident. Quite stunning actually. In the interests of treble-timing , I decided to fully bi-wire with a set of LS1’s for the tweeters. This was a good move , as coherence was now fantastic across the spectrum - a step-up from just LS5’s with Tannoy jumpers for sure. With the speakers now at -1.5dB treble-energy , all vocals now sit properly in the mix and image - which makes me a very happy bunny indeed. They might not be cheap , but you will struggle to get something else this good that synergises so readily with a high-current transistor amp into studio-monitors. Overall , my LS5 and LS1 cables took about 2 weeks to “burn-in” , and I heard all sorts of phasing and things going on as they did so. But the end result is simply fantastic. Well recommended.
I recently purchased some LS5 speaker cables and an SSP MK2 RCA interconnect. Wow!!! These cables are stunning. I have owned numerous top quality Chord cables in the past, this NVA stuff is in a different league, they are beautiful sounding cables that let your gear breathe, nothing added or taken away. I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone, you will definitely notice the difference. I own early Farlowe Exposure amplification and boy do these cables compliment, just couldn’t believe the difference, top notch.
I now have a pair of SSC interconnects and LS5 speaker cable in place (replacing the 'free' but very capable SC and LS2 - both of which I am keeping for my second system !) and again the sound has moved up another notch ---- it is clean without being dry or overly bright ---- there are just more instruments on each track it seems (Ha ha) I'm playing some Paul Weller tracks I know very very well and it's like he's slipped a couple of extra players into the band --- very impressed in short ---- and the 'core' of my system is still the very cheapest amp Doc does, the A20/P20 combo ....... I've had a LOT more expensive gear in the past from the likes of Audio Note (Meishu and an expensive DAC straight into a pair of P2SE monos) Living Voice speakers with TQ cables etc etc ...... I am not saying my current set up is 'better' but it is every bit as enjoyable and involving (I've changed home meantime so it's not fair to compare directly and this is not a side by side blind comparison, so I am relying on memory --- but the feeling is genuine) and I have to say NVA works very well with Kudos C2 floorstanders.
After moving from LS3 to LS6 an improvement was immediately obvious, more of the same musicality, smoother highs, more bass and natural midrange. However a bigger plan unfolded. With the LS3 LS6, previous starter system and recent addition of M600’s the possibility of bi-amping became a reality. So here we have now Mac mini > Icron USB extender > MScaler > 2xSSP MkII > Hugo2 > Phono splitter > ( Sound cord > A20 ) > LS3 > Quad 12L Tweeter, (SSP MkII > 2x M600 ) > LS6 > Quad 12L Bass/Mid. The digital front end has been a lot of effort to get right, however the NVA amplification has just been a slam dunk, as I have previously commented the little power amp is a sweetie, but combined with the M600’s the bi-amp combination has it all. All the usual HiFi superlatives apply …… but one unexpected bonus of bi-amping - you get to try different cables between the amp for the tweeter and the amp for bass/mid, and for me this was an important factor in achieving what my ears tell me is just right. SSP Mk II between Hugo and M600’s to bass/mid and Sound cord between Hugo and A20 to tweeter. Overall this combination is so natural sounding the NVA bi-amp set up is a keeper. I’m glad I read the upgrade path advice notes on the NVA website. I am now listening to and enjoying much more music. Thanks Paul and Tomasz. The next challenge maybe speakers - NVA ?
WOW! The difference is not subtle from LS5 upgrade. Tweeters of the Alon (Nola) Petites wired with LS5, with the upgrade to the mid/bass units. More space, intelligibility, foot tapping pace. Sweeter with sibilance reduced. Feel the spades for the speaker end makes a difference as well. System: A70 mono/AP20 Power/P50/MDac+/Audiomeca Kreatura.
I've been listening today, comparing the LS6 with my own Tellurium Black. The Blacks, in fact all of the Tellurium cables, have been getting some rave reviews on some of the forums and magazines, and they are very good. Similar price to the LS6, the LS6 being a bit more expensive. The LS6 wins by a fairly easy margin. Better rez, better focus, more powerful and better defined bass. It's a bit brighter, which may help with the rez, or maybe the Tellurium is a bit darker. Same thing! The LS6 are easily worth the slight price premium, imo. A very fine cable ... hmm, I wonder what the LS7 sounds like ... :?
I have lived with the LS5 for about 5 years and been really happy with the end result, A upgrade from Royd Apex to Cube 1s put a big smile on my face a few months back and I felt I was close to as good as it gets (for an MP3 based system). There were times when it seemed as if the performers were in my bedroom next door and someone had opened a window into the lounge. Then I chopped the LS5 for LS6. No argument - the improvement was immediate and obvious. Difficult to explain without employing the usual cliches but I will try. Music is more involving - it sounds live - er. I find myself constantly picking out hidden nuances in vocal phrasing that didn't strike me before. Treble sounds ring out without being shrill. Welcome to Acousticville is a live Janis Ian track from Hunger. Janis is now in the room performing a few feet in front of me. It's very much a story with acoustic guitar accompaniment. Although I could hear every word before I now seem to get a better sense of what the lyrics mean and how the story unfolds. There is so much more clarity. The song is no longer just a pleasant ramble. So in conclusion, in my opinion LS6 is a well worthwhile improvement on LS5 and I can't wait to get my turntable set up again and listen to some real music.
Having moved from LS2 to LS3 previously, I took advantage of a cable sale to try LS6. I have previously been fairly agnostic about cable, LS3 was clearly an upgrade on LS2 but I can honestly say that hand on heart, the move to SSP, and LS6 in particular was a revelation for me in terms of their importance. They are genuinely the biggest single ‘bang for buck’ improvement I have experienced and made me re-think the way I looked at hi-fi – in the context of my system of course, I have not tried SSP or LS6 with other amps or speakers. I would urge anyone with a modest NVA (or other) system to try these cables first before buying a new box. It is a cliché but LS6 opened the window wide and allowed my little system to really shine. Everything just seemed to relax and you could listen in to each musical element individually, without spoiling the event as a whole. Give them a try, the 30-day trial period makes it a no brainier and you may never know how good your system is if you don’t. Not sure what sort of fairy dust is inside but they work!!
LS6 speaker cable replacing chord odyssey. Wow is all I can say. Greater resolution and detail and has really opened up the mid range and top end. Very happy
I posted my 1st review quite a while ago and I was impressed with this cable. Now it's run for a time, I'm even more impressed. Whether that's because I've learned how to get the best out of my system or a real improvement I'm not certain. The most obvious improvement is in the bass response. It is even more articulate and has greater weight than ever - it was never lacking anyway. The top seems smoother and more articulate as well. Imaging is to die for on the right recording. It's the old cry "removing veils". It's difficult to express how surprised I am. I have spent years and lots of £ on cables but nothing has come close to TIS / LS7 - and I've had some really expensive and unusual cables in my time. Looks like I've found system synergy and I trust the P50, A80 change will only improve this. KW550, MA PL200, BMU, LS7, Blusound Vault, TIS.
I had been using Atlas Mavros bi-wire and it was the best I'd ever come across - and I've had a few through my system. The LS7 immediately improved the bass. It seemed to stretch down about another half octave and it gained a little weight. There are a slight improvement in the high treble (or at least as high as I can hear at my ancient age). I thought to myself, this stuff doesn't need running it. How odd. Well, this simply shows how wrong you can be. It has been in my system for just over a month and it is still improving. The stereo image is to die for. I can hear stuff I've ever heard before e.g. two voices singing in unison now sound like two voices not a single voice double tracked. It is also much clearer how the music was recorded - work through the Fleetwood Mac catalogue and you can clearly hear the step changes. Notes now have greater shape as well as pitch and volume. Overall a very pleasant musical experience. I now play stuff I have passed over for ages and I enjoy rediscovering these old pieces. One niggle. The Mavros is fitted with right angle plugs which means that expensive cable doesn't need to go round in a curve twice to reach between the amp and the speakers and so less is needed. Fortunately, the straight plugged LS7 is a little over stated length otherwise it would have had to go back. Is it worth the high cost? I think so but I am in the fortunate position that I can afford it. Anyone want to buy a 2.5m bi-wire Atlas Mavros speaker cable set?
Right from the start, I realized that the TSCS delivers more of everything in my system in comparison to the excellent and musical LS6. The strong point of the LS6 in my system definitely is the mid-range. The mid-range is slightly on the warmer side compared to the not burned-in TSCS, and this warmth makes music reproduction in my near field listening to my 3-way horn system especially pleasing. It’s like you are “bathing” in pure mid-range joy with the LS6! :). From the start, the TSCS conveyed a more transparent reproduction of music, with more detail plus more stage width and depth, which in my system - to my ears - is the result of its exceptional resolution and fine detail in the treble region. In this area, the TSCS is definitely exceptional! After now three weeks with listening one to four hours a day, I can report that the TSCS has improved further (the listening for the last two weeks has been without my NVA phono 2 as it is currently being converted by Richard to the MC version; so, the only NVA product in my current chain is the ls cables). The TSCS is by all means a fantastic cable. :clap:
Firstly, they look like a top of the range product. A very elegant silver braid finish and a bit thicker than my LS6. There’s really not much else to say. Just plug them in and listen. Listening is where it gets interesting. The cables are not a night-and-day change. I think that my system has become too sophisticated for any change to make a significant improvement. What the cables manage is to make recorded instruments sound a bit more like real ones. I’m currently having something of a telecaster fixation (I won’t bore you with the details) and have found myself listening to some status quo during their transition from psychedelia to boogie. The cables just make that telecaster sound that bit more realistic. To be honest, this applies to all instruments and for me that’s good enough. Vocals are rather good as well. Listening to Billie Holiday as I’m typing this and you can hear her voice on the edge of falling apart on Lady in Satin. One of the things I have noticed is that a good system makes some singers sound worse as you can clearly hear how badly they are singing ! I’ll let Ms Holiday off on that one. However, it can become quite engaging and enhances the “performance”. If you are considering an upgrade then a pair of TSCS are worth considering and might be a better purchase than a bigger amp.
For a brand new cable, first impressions were very positive. Music was immediately more dynamic, bass and treble more prominent and the flow of the music noticeably easier to follow. The sound just seemed to fill the room more, as if the 156 cores had opened the floodgates. LS7 is very revealing of whatever it's presented with. I had been making adjustments to my PL-71 and at first vinyl sounded bright and harsh. It turned out that LS7 was highlighting the effects of misalignment in the arm and cartridge. Differences in recording and pressing quality are also more apparent. I never knew just how much detail was hidden in the grooves of some of my old LP's. Again, presentation was vibrant and involving. As impressive as LS7 is at resolving detail, it's the ability to convey the spirit and emotion in a recording that draws me in. This was already apparent with my NVA setup, so I imagine that LS7 is allowing more of these characteristics to come through. The usual NVA qualities of space, dynamics and realism were enhanced with LS7. Any initial brightness was short-lived with the sound becoming smoother as the cables were run in. LS7 will not hide any deficiencies, as I found with the Pioneer, but will be transparent to upgrades and other changes. It will be interesting to see how much and for how long the LS7 continues to improve with use. What I do know is it won't be going back after the 30 day trial.
NVA sells, and ships, direct to users. This saves you around 40% compared to buying through a dealer. We are so confident in the quality of our products and designs that we offer a 30 day no quibble returns policy. Listen to NVA in your own system, in your own room (by far the best way to judge any item) for up to 30 days. If you’re not delighted, return it to us for a refund.
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First, you purchase the item(s). Once your order is delivered, the 30 day trial begins. To return the item(s) within that 30-day period, contact us by email. We will provide you with a return authorisation number (RMA). You then return the item(s) to us by your choice of courier. Once we've received your return, you will receive a refund within 7 to 10 days.
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